Duck Ted Bundy

by Coleoptera-Kinbote


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Silly, Unapologetic, March 1, 2014

I would actually say that the protagonist is more of a stabby-stabby Jack the Ripper-type, to be honest, even though the game tells us he's not, but the title gets the point across.

This is ridiculous, mixed with enough "wow, that is actually kind of horrible if you think about it" to make it more thought-provoking that it might otherwise be. Or maybe not. Maybe it's just wandering around a swamp stabbing ducks.

I appreciate that the author is so aggressively confident about the whole thing. There are no apologies here, either meta or implied; no "this is just something dumb, lolz", no "you chicken out" choices. You're a psycho duck-killer who may or may not be a duck, and the author DARES you to take note of things like "where would a duck hide a Bowie knife?" and "how do I get reception in a swamp?".

Definitely not a "must play", but amusing. I would say this is probably closer to 2.5 stars, but I bumped it up a bit because the author was so gleefully consistent.

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