This game is about you, a vampire, being offered a cure for vampirism. But it's more than that.
It uses a variety of multimedia to enhance the experience: unusual colors and fonts, scrolling tickertape that changes depending on what you mouse over, music, and stock photos in the background.
To me (and possibly the author, although I don't want to attribute intent when I don't know it), the game is mostly about the relationship you have with the vampire who created you. It turns out then when a vampire makes another vampire, they override the personality, emotions, and memories of their victim, making essentially a new person. That new person is completely changed to be the image of the one who made them. And you have a chance to undo them.
It made me think about relationships, like one I witnessed where one person did everything they could to make the other person be like them, including having them stop talking to their family, move away from friends, be rude to people at work, play the same games, watch the same shows, have the same religious beliefs. And, just like the vampire creators in the story, they moved on afterwards (although our personal vampire 'sire' is different in this story).
Overall, I thought it was effective. The game has some variation; I played it 3-4 times to try to understand it and I saw some significantly different content each time.