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Zim Greenleaf's Laboratory

by Melody Grandy

1 review

Ratings and Reviews

2 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Doesn't run and no instructions on how to get it to run., July 14, 2008
by Steven (Honolulu, Hawaii)

I would like to actually play this game. It is is based on a wonderful book based in the fairy-land of Oz called "The Disenchanted Princess of Oz" by the same author of this game (it's part of the trilogy "The Seven Blue Mountains of Oz"). Or at least I assume it is based on that book because the title of this game names a character in the book, but I can't actually figure out how to get this game to run. I tried running the game files straight from Windows and I tried using the Agility AGT player also. There are no instructions on how to get the game to work in the documentation either. It could also be that a problem with the supplied files themselves. In any case, until this game actually becomes accessible to play, one way or another, it gets zero stars.

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1 Off-Site Review

[...] you find yourself shrinking until you are small enough to fit into a waistcoat pocket and can crawl under a door to the game playing area. This consists of eighty 36 (foot) tiles each of which is inlaid with precious stones to depict a different herb along with its Latin name. Fortunately for non-botanists the common name appears along with your score and number of moves made at the bottom of the screen. There is also a Persian carpet and, standing on this floor, various huge pieces of ornate furniture.

Your main object is now to explore as much of the laboratory as possible, dispatch anything which gets in your way and collect as many valuables as you can. Then you must find a way to regain your rightful size and get your booty back to your own dimension.
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Game Details

Language: English (en)
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: AGT
Baf's Guide ID: 863
IFID: Unknown
TUID: h8xj2npxou61sbzd

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