Zim Greenleaf's Laboratory

by Melody Grandy


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2 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Doesn't run and no instructions on how to get it to run., July 14, 2008
by Steven (Honolulu, Hawaii)

I would like to actually play this game. It is is based on a wonderful book based in the fairy-land of Oz called "The Disenchanted Princess of Oz" by the same author of this game (it's part of the trilogy "The Seven Blue Mountains of Oz"). Or at least I assume it is based on that book because the title of this game names a character in the book, but I can't actually figure out how to get this game to run. I tried running the game files straight from Windows and I tried using the Agility AGT player also. There are no instructions on how to get the game to work in the documentation either. It could also be that a problem with the supplied files themselves. In any case, until this game actually becomes accessible to play, one way or another, it gets zero stars.

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Micromegas, May 18, 2012 - Reply
Dear Steve,

To run Zim Greenleaf's Laboratory, download the program called tppatch.exe from the internet. Boot up your computer from MS-Dos. With tppatch, compile.exe, run.exe and the files for Zim Greenleaf's Laboratory on the disk you're running MS-Dos from, first you must type 'tppatch compile.exe', and then 'tppatch run.exe'. This will enable the compile.exe and run.exe programs to run on a computer faster than the ones available in 1992. (Isn't that weird,and frustrating, how a little thing like computer speed can cause problems?) Then type 'compile zimlab', and it should compile the game for you. Then type 'run zimlab' and the game should run for you. But as far as I know, MS-Dos must be run alone. I have not been able to run MS-Dos from inside Windows XP. If the newer version of MS-Dos that comes with the new Windows does not work with the AGT programs, you can get MS-Dos 3.3 from the internet.
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