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Online play does not currently support sound. This feature is coming soon.
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Story File - No Sound
Story file for use with an interpreter.
Requires a Glulx interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Story File - With Sound
Story file for use with an interpreter. Includes the atmospheric soundscape.
Requires a Glulx interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Contains Renegade​_Brainwave.taf
Original ECTOCOMP version, bundled with the other ECTOCOMP 2010 entries.
Requires an ADRIFT version 4 interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links. (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)

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Renegade Brainwave

by J. J. Guest profile

ADRIFT / Inform 7

About the Story

"Beware! Beware! Take care! For you are about take part in an interactive story that will reveal the terrifying truth behind the mysterious Soviet space programme! Revelations of incredible horrors that will terrify you with their brutal reality!

For this is the story of a mysterious force — a force that has crossed the billion mile vastness of infinite space! Boneless, fleshless, almost invisible and yet imbued with incredible power — I speak to you of cosmic radiation!

The deadly solar radiation that has the power to raise the dead! The power to amplify brainwaves to many times their natural strength — so that even a weak little puppy could wipe out a city of concrete and steel — with the power of her mind!

In a future that grows ever closer, the fate of the Earth lies in the hands of one man. That man is Detective Frank Douglas — that man, my friend, is YOU!

God help us... in the future!"

Renegade Brainwave is an interactive fiction inspired by Hollywood B-Movies, based on my 2010 ECTOCOMP 2nd place winner. The 2019 version features more locations, more puzzles, and an atmospheric soundtrack featuring music by Monstrous Movie Music (download only).

"Really fun writing, a spot-on, over-the-top, sci-fi B-movie spoof." - Duncan Bowsman, ECTOCOMP judge.

"Hilarious, well-written and full of clever puzzles to boot." - Mel Stefaniuk, ECTOCOMP judge.

Page Update History

v.15: 20-Nov-2019 11:48 - J. J. Guest (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.14: 10-Feb-2022 11:49 - J. J. Guest
Changed download links
v.13: 16-Jul-2020 07:05 - J. J. Guest
Changed Web site URL, download links
v.12: 02-Dec-2019 12:17 - J. J. Guest
Changed download links
v.11: 02-Dec-2019 12:14 - J. J. Guest
Changed description, download links
  v.10: 20-Nov-2019 11:48 - J. J. Guest
Changed description
v.9: 31-Aug-2019 09:08 - J. J. Guest
Changed download links
v.8: 29-Aug-2019 09:52 - J. J. Guest
Changed author
v.7: 29-Aug-2019 07:29 - J. J. Guest
Changed IFIDs
v.6: 29-Aug-2019 07:24 - J. J. Guest
Changed download links
v.5: 29-Aug-2019 07:21 - J. J. Guest
Changed description
v.4: 29-Aug-2019 07:13 - J. J. Guest
Changed cover art
v.3: 29-Aug-2019 07:05 - J. J. Guest
Changed version number, development system, description, forgiveness, Web site URL, download links, external review links
v.2: 03-Dec-2013 06:38 - J. J. Guest
Changed cover art
v.1: 08-Aug-2011 21:58 - DB
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

ADRIFT Forum (Reviews are for the original ADRIFT version)
(reviews from ECTOCOMP 2010 judges)
See the full review

Game Details