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T-Shirt Aisle

by Tom Dunn


1 review2 members have played this game.

About the Story

T-Shirt Aisle

Written for the REALLY BAD IF jam, T-SHIRT AISLE asks you to navigate your emotions while overwhelmed by the superior quality of a certain brand store's staple t-shirt design. There are multiple endings to this story - some are much harder to find than others. Good luck!



Ratings and Reviews

Write a review When the t-shirts are *too* enticing..., June 1, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

T-Shirt Aisle is the location in which you are standing in this small Twine game, in front of a wall of very soft and enticing t-shirts (as in, you want to shove your face into the fabric and stay there forever), and well… maybe have some weird surreal slightly existential experience? Oh, and there’s a long thought process about Keanu Reeves.

The blurb indicates there are many endings to the game (I think I found 3, the source files indicates about a dozen?), some of them being harder to reach than others. Essentially, you’d need to do some loop-ty-loop around the different passages to see those choices listed. Some of them are pretty creepy.

Truly an experience. Would shove my face in soft t-shirts again.

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: May 19, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: Twine
IFID: 732A94B5-CCBD-43FC-AE74-0815F8B3A93B
TUID: gw7jlauqlj3awso

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