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Blue Sky

by Hans Fugal

(based on 8 ratings)
2 reviews10 members have played this game.

About the Story

You play as a tourist in Santa Fe, New Mexico. You've overslept your first morning here and your tour group has already left the hotel without you. You'd better hurry up and find them!


Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Explore a bit of history in New Mexico, June 28, 2016

This is essentially a tourism game, like the non-puzzly parts of Bolivia By Night or The Race.

You are late to a tour of a Plaza in New Mexico. The game shines in its wonderful descriptions of New Mexican history, and the feeling of wonder. However, the game is under implemented and puzzles are a bit odd.

A short game.

Great for fans of the American Southwest.

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0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Not bad but mostly pointless, October 31, 2007
by Nusco (Bologna, Italy)
Related reviews: IF Competition 2004

A curious short story about a tourist lost in Santa Fe and looking for his group. Simple, with retro-style puzzles. Ultimately too insubstantial to be satisfying. At least it doesn't make promises that it can't keep.

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1 Off-Site Review

>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

One of the keys to immersion in IF is detail, and Blue Sky falls well short of the mark. I don't mean to be too harsh -- the game is obviously well-intentioned, and with a substantial overhaul of its writing and a considerably increased depth of implementation, it could become a lovely evocation of Santa Fe. Until then, if you're looking for travel IF that really works, go back and play She's Got a Thing for a Spring.
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