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STARFLIGHT: A Cosmic Adventure

by Chris Lampton

Science Fiction

(based on 1 rating)
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About the Story

They told you that star flight would be difficult. They told you and you believed them...sort of.

What they hadn't told you was how grueling cold sleep could be, how the months and years of your flight would be filled with endless nightmares, countless replays of every terrible thing that had happened to you in a lifetime of terrible Things. When the instructions finally arrived from the ship's computer telling the cold sleep Machinery to revive you for the final phase of your flight, you were grateful.

what you didn't realize, even as you stumbled groggily from the narrow sleep chamber into the pilot's cabin of the Starflyer Ganymede, was that the most nightmarish part of your mission was yet to come...and that you would face it fully awake.


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STARFLIGHT: A Cosmic Adventure on IFDB

Recommended Lists

STARFLIGHT: A Cosmic Adventure appears in the following Recommended Lists:

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The following polls include votes for STARFLIGHT: A Cosmic Adventure:

Sublime Moments by Sam Kabo Ashwell
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Solved without Hints by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least) solved completely without recourse to hints, walkthroughs, etc.

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