| Average Rating: based on 7 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1 Write a review |
- Edo, June 12, 2022
- Zape, May 17, 2021
This game has you teleporting to a moon base to investigate a disappearance and stop a monster.
It has an instant death puzzle, but thankfully no mazes or light source puzzles. The game is well-clued, and its fairly easy to know what to do at all times (except right near the end).
The game has numerous spelling and grammar errors, but otherwise could be dressed up to be a fun game.
- MKrone (Harsleben), May 1, 2011
- Grey (Italy), December 25, 2009
- Karl Ove Hufthammer (Bergen, Norway), January 15, 2009
- Quintin Stone (NC), October 23, 2007
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