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In time lies the answer...
A multi-disk Hi-Res Adventure by On-Line Productions. Over a year in development, bet it'll take you longer to finish it!
The Digital Antiquarian
Tackling the Monster
Time Zone is perhaps doubly disappointing because the premise has so much potential. But neither the technology nor the designer were really equipped to realize such an ambitious idea, and certainly not in the time allowed. Still, Time Zone is of undeniable historical significance...
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The Stack
In content, Time Zone reflects a medium in transition. The earliest adventure games, such as Zork and Scott Adams’ Adventureland, were imitations of the original Adventure: treasure hunts set in caves, in an eclectic vague fantasy setting. There’s no story to such a game, there’s just a player’s progress in exploring the cave and collecting the treasures... [Time Zone] belongs to a period when the people creating adventures were branching out into other settings, but still treating them like dungeon crawls.
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Games about Time Travel by Estrong157
more specifically, games with time travel as a gameplay element.
Wide open spaces. by Rovarsson
This can apply to the setting of the games; prairies, deserts, icecaps come to mind. It can also apply to the feel of a game, the impression that the player is free to roam far and wide. Open game-worlds.