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Dernières heures avant liquidation

by Fabrice G.


(based on 1 rating)
1 review3 members have played this game.

About the Story

Dans un monde dévasté, vous avez réussi à prendre la tête d’un clan mafieux. Enfin, vu la situation de crise, c’est surtout que vous étiez le seul candidat. En effet, votre famille est très endettée auprès du parrain et il ne vous reste que 24h pour rembourser. Relèverez-vous ce défi ?


Ratings and Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A French gangster sim, February 20, 2021*
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game is a money-based procedurally generated French twine game.

You take the role of a leader in the mafia who is in debt. You go on missions (each giving a certain payout, lasting a certain amount of time, and having a certain downtime, while requiring a certain number of gangsters), get money, and either die after 24 hours (which usually happens), or, if you made enough, win. Your debt and your savings persist from round to round.

It's a pretty short loop, and you'll see the same text a lot. There is some variety, and things change as the game goes along, but I think the main story just wasn't very compelling for me.

It was polished, though, and had a distinctive 'voice'. I spent a while looking at the code after, and it seems very complex.

* This review was last edited on February 21, 2021
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