The Colour Pink

by Robert Street

Space Exploration
Inform 6

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Old-fashioned puzzly goodness, April 24, 2020
by Henck (Mozambique)

The Colour Pink is an old-fashioned text adventure game, filled with puzzles, all of which are fairly straightforward. Fiddle with machines, give and receive items, buy and exchange in a shop, that sort of thing. The game has an interesting story with seven different endings. Some of these depend on endgame choices, while some endings are opened up by your actions in the middle of the game. The writing is consistently okay, though the text tends to tell you how you feel about a location, rather than letting the scene speak for itself. There are a number of NPCs you can speak to through a multiple choice system, which can be gone through exhaustively so you won't miss any conversation options.

This game was a competition entry and not very large, but the author has clearly put a lot of work into it. I would very much like Robert Street to apply lessons learned in developing this game in a future game. Here is a map for The Colour Pink.

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