Carmen Devine: Supernatural Troubleshooter

by Rob Myall


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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A short, fun werewolf romp that could use some more cluing, September 28, 2017
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This game casts you as a werewolf agent for a large group of werewolves. You have to travel to a snow-covered Chinese village to investigate its destruction.

The story and setting are actually pretty good, and I liked this game. Where it falls down is in presenting information to the player; nowhere, even in the extensive menu system, are you told how to transform between human and wolf. Conversation topics have to be guessed to proceed with little in-game explanation.

Fun mid-length game to take for a spin. Nice use of different senses in descriptions.

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- Floating Info, December 3, 2014

- Joshua Houk, October 18, 2014

- DJ (Olalla, Washington), May 9, 2013

- Grey (Italy), December 25, 2009

- Jerome C West (United Kingdom), March 18, 2009

- Emily Boegheim, November 11, 2007

- Emily Short, October 22, 2007

- Eric Eve (Oxford, England), October 22, 2007

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