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by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve profile, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima profile, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante profile, Emily Short profile, Adam Thornton profile, and Ziv Wities

About the Story

The Queen has told you to return with her heart in a box. Snow White has made you promise to make other arrangements. Now that you're alone in the forest, it's hard to know which of the two women to trust. The Queen is certainly a witch — but her stepdaughter may be something even more horrible...

There are some eighteen possible endings to this fairy tale.

Some of them are even almost happy.

Alabaster is the result of an experiment in open authorship. Emily Short wrote and released the introduction to the story; John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Adam Thornton, and Ziv Wities then contributed conversation text. Afterward, the game received further editing to improve continuity and add endings, and Daniel Allington-Krzysztofiak provided illustrations.

Page Update History

v.15: 22-Feb-2025 17:42 - OtisTDog (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed version number
  v.14: 05-Feb-2024 13:49 - Cerfeuil
Changed download links
v.13: 06-Jun-2023 12:14 - Shin
Changed Web site URL
v.12: 24-Apr-2023 18:30 - MathBrush
Changed download links
v.11: 11-Dec-2021 19:56 - Mike Russo
Changed download links
v.10: 05-Feb-2011 23:01 - Dannii
Changed download links
v.9: 19-Jun-2009 12:58 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
v.8: 16-Jun-2009 06:12 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
v.7: 11-Jun-2009 06:11 - Tracy Poff
Changed download links
v.6: 09-Jun-2009 21:07 - Dave Chapeskie
Changed external review links
v.5: 09-Jun-2009 04:42 - Emily Short
Changed Web site URL
v.4: 05-Jun-2009 08:09 - Emily Short
Changed author
v.3: 05-Jun-2009 08:06 - Emily Short
Changed download links
v.2: 05-Jun-2009 08:05 - Emily Short
Changed description, download links
v.1: 05-Jun-2009 08:03 - Emily Short
Created page

3 Off-Site Reviews

Jay is Games

A superlative piece of work, in certain ways Alabaster is somewhat different than the majority of interactive fiction that we have previously reviewed. While many IF games present a more-or-less linear plot to play through, complete with puzzles to solve, items to collect and so on, Alabaster's heart and soul lies in the conversation between the protagonist and Snow White.
See the full review

The Independent Gaming Source
But is the game a success? Well, my early impressions of the game is very favorable. The story and writing are, naturally, very good. I love the idea of unraveling characters through conversation and the way you must use this information to ultimately make a decision to trust one person or another.
See the full review

Gamers With Jobs
An interesting story which is told well – it's an investigation, you decide which questions to ask. The questions you ask determine the answers you get and they ultimately determine your fate. If you don't play much interactive fiction, this would be one to check out.
See the full review

Game Details