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In Wake of Betrayal

by IchorOfRuin


(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Where once there was faith, now lie the ashes of love turned false.

Written for the Single Choice Jam 2024.

Thank you The Sloth and Naarel for beta-reading this!


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Blood and despair: a snippet of a shattered life, August 24, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: less than 15 minutes

This is a brief story entered into the Single Choice jam.

It is the climax of a story with no buildup: a queen is in full rage and despair, throwing things and overall suffering because her husband, the king, has caused the death of her brother. She then has a choice on how to react.

As part of a longer work, this would work really well, but for me, in its snippet form, it had less of an effect. It's like seeing a car crash on the side of the road with ambulances; it can be sobering and make you think, but you won't remember it much a day or two later. But for the family of the person involved, it can be traumatic and life changing.

So here, I felt like an event of massive importance was happening, but it wasn't one I had established a connection to yet. The author did use a variety of emotions and offered several paths, and the writing is overall solid.

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