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by PaperBlurt profile


(based on 8 ratings)
1 review10 members have played this game. It's on 13 wishlists.

About the Story

You wake up.
On a tundra.
You're cold.
Where are you?
How did you end up here?


1st Place, MOOD; 21st Place, OVERALL - Ludum Dare 32

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Massive for a twine game; explore an arctic tundra, August 13, 2015*

TUNDRA was one of the first Twine games I had every played, months ago. As such, I didn't like it at all, being used to parser games. I also thought the game was unfinished, because I hadn't found an important plot tool.

Having played more twine games, now, I see that this is actually a well-crafted game. I just played it through all the way to the ending, and I like it quite a bit better now.

The game allows you to undo at any time, and there is a map to help you move around. You can pick up 5 or more items in your endeavors. I am told there are 3 endings, but I only reached one.

You are in the arctic tundra and must explore. I found the game very reminiscent of Babel.

* This review was last edited on July 13, 2020
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2 Off-Site Reviews

Six Ludum Dare 32 Games You Won't Want to Miss
"Tundra was made by, arguably, one of the most technically gifted Twine authors working today and is a great example of the ways you can excel within the time limits"
See the full review

Freeware Pick: TUNDRA by PaperBlurt
"Spoiling anything regarding PaperBlurt's freshly released Twine TUNDRA would be a downright nasty thing to do."
See the full review


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TUNDRA appears in the following Recommended Lists:

Winter Wastelands by verityvirtue
Games set in the Arctic, Antarctic, or any other cold wilderness. Preferably with the isolation and harsh environment featuring prominently. Suggestions welcome. (Sorting is random, but games I have played come higher up)

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