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Little Glass Slipper

by vileidol

(based on 6 ratings)
2 reviews7 members have played this game.

About the Story

... and the gold shoe fitted; but ugly she was, and so loathly she looked, the prince only kept his word sore against his will. Still they got ready the wedding feast, and she was dressed up and decked out as a bride...

created for the single choice jam

tw: gore; animated text effects; minor allusions to abuse, birth, suicidal thoughts, internalised queerphobia and other toxic relationships


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 6 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
Cinderella gone wrong, December 12, 2023
Related reviews: less than 15 minutes

This Twine game is a retrospective from an alternate ending of the original Cinderella story.

In this version, the stepsister won out. By cutting off her heel to fit in the shoe, she married the prince.


She knows she isn't the one he fell in love with.

This is part of the Single Choice Jam and, as such, has one big choice in the middle, which is a nice complex option letting you choose an adjective and a noun. Each one gives a different branch.

The game is not too lengthy, but has several poignant points. At times, it felt a bit repetitive, before the choice, while after the choice each branch seemed unique.

There are text effects adding to the overall appeal of the game, although one passage was all shaking, which was a little distracting.

I enjoyed playing this overall.

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This is no happy ending…, August 21, 2023
Related reviews: singlechoice

Do not get fooled by the pastel pink palette, and the child-like font. This game is much darker than it looks, and it is not afraid to show it. And it does it good.

If the title wasn’t enough of a hint, the game is a retelling of one of the darker versions of Cinderella, but with a twist. It is one of her step-sister who bagged the Prince, living the not-so-fairytale life. The step-mother’s trick, of sawing her daughter’s heels off was not discovered, and fooled the desperate romantic man. And through the step-daughter eyes, the story starts.

The game depicts this less than perfect life, with a woman who doesn’t feel like she belongs, in pain as a consequence of her mother’s action; and a husband who does not love her. Yet, she is forced to pull through, and perform the duties of her title, no matter the pain. The descriptions are gruesome and explicit, the feelings are raw and quite depressing. And it is done good.

I quite liked the author’s take on the single choice for the entry: with two cycling macros, giving 12 different options, each diving further into the Step-sister’s mind, her relationship and the titles that come with them, her regrets and shame, and her wishes. It is pretty grim all throughout.

I really, really appreciated the way the author coded the return to the choice, without having to read through the whole start of the game or remembering the last option seen. It made it so much easier to play all endings!

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