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30 Dreams in 31 days

by Mery

(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

INKTOBER hecho en bitsy.


3rd Place, Le Grand Guignol - Spanish - ECTOCOMP 2023

Ratings and Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A Spanish game made of 30 nightmares in Binksi, November 5, 2023
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game was made in conjunction with Inktober, which means the author made one part of it every day of the month of October. So there are 30 different 'mini games' put into one.

The game starts on a dark and spooky night. Alone in the house, you have to do chores. Once you do, you have such nightmares...

The bulk of the game consists of the 30 nightmares. In each one, you play as a Binksi character (a system allowing you to walk around a minimalistic pixel graphic world with limited 2-frame animations and selective color palettes).

The nightmares have a lot of variety in types, but some are more represented than the others. The most common are ones where there are several copies of the same object scattered on the screen, and you have to pick them all up, each one producing some text which is at first random then eventually repeated, before you can move on. This was good, but became a bit tedious over time. I preferred the large animals who had deep conversations, and I liked a graveyard with ghosts.

The writing is self-introspective, open and refreshing with self insecurities, kind of like the lyrics to Joni Mitchell songs.

The ending caught me by surprise, and I thought the game had broken. I'm still not sure if there's anything you can do on the final screen, but it was effective and different.

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30 Dreams in 31 days on IFDB


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