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Quotient, The Game

by Gregory R. Simpson profile

(based on 1 rating)
Estimated play time: 2 hours (based on 1 vote)
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1 review4 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

Do you want to become an agent of Quotient, the global, independent spy agency? You are at the entrance to their top secret headquarters. Proceed down the lane to begin your mission and earn the rank of Secret Agent!

Ratings and Reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
This is... exuberant and silly., September 3, 2024*

[Update: As the author points out in comments, this review is based on an early release of the game, which has since been substantially revised. Also, I did find the game to be likable overall in its earlier form. Readers are advised to take both of those facts under consideration. I've removed my rating from the game's average.]

Inform 7 makes it easier than ever to code a game. It remains difficult to make a good game.

This is very clearly a first effort. Michael J. Coyne's list of "First-Timer Foibles" remains relevant, and this work earns a CQ (Coyne Quotient) of 6 for items 2, 9, 11, 12, 14 and 15.

It's hard to take this game very seriously on its self-proclaimed merits. The functional plot (i.e. what you experience as a player) seems more concerned with offering guided tours (especially around Ohio) than being a spy thriller. (I will admit that I found this to be something of a saving grace; some interesting facts are presented, which will probably be among the most memorable parts of the play experience.) The game also seems pre-occupied with paying homage to Infocom, Star Wars, Narnia, and various (presumably real) food establishments, to the detriment of its focus and continuity. In fulfilling the PC's mission and/or scoring all points, you will: (Spoiler - click to show)visit a pun-oriented maze; build a bonfire using flint, steel and 69,105 leaves; visit a privately-owned (and ostensibly secret?) space station; fly to Africa to retrieve a MacGuffin from a villain conveniently hanging out in one of the handful of locations there (using a weapon retrieved from the Oval Office, no less!); craft a lightsaber; enjoy a parade of junk food and sweets; visit several architecturally-significant buildings; make use of a divinely-delivered laser; find, wear and use a magical pendant; and do something else worth 2 points that I never figured out. Are you intrigued? If so, read on.

There are many "puzzles" that are pointless. They qualify for the term only because they are things one must do to score points; their impact on the world state with respect to the ostensible plot seems to be zero. These appear to originate solely as artifacts of the process of learning to code, and not as part of an integrated design of puzzle and story. (In fact, the points awarded for following the mission are a small fraction of the intended total.) While anyone new to coding can appreciate the thrill of victory felt when overcoming early technical challenges, such learning exercises are generally not appropriate to include in the final game. The adage "Be ready to kill your darlings." applies. (An aside: My final score was 352 out of a possible 214. There is a scoring bug in which a 10-point award can be repeated indefinitely.)

Certain other "puzzles" are classic examples of poor puzzle design in the vein of mind reading and/or guess-the-verb. The very worst offender here is the command needed to reboot a computer: (Spoiler - click to show)>CONTROL-ALT-DELETE. A close second is the command required to get out of a VR simulation: (Spoiler - click to show)>BLINK RAPIDLY. (Technically, there's something that might be counted as a clue -- by British puzzle fiends only -- for the latter. The VR environment seems totally optional, anyway.)

I note that the >CREDITS list "TBD" as beta tester. Obtaining beta testing is almost universally regarded as a prerequisite for a serious-minded public release, and its lack is keenly felt. I get the strong impression that this game was originally written for private circulation (in large part because it seems to contain a cryptic marriage proposal -- (Spoiler - click to show)"The display says: '01101101 01100001 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101'" [which for the lazy translates into ASCII as "marry me"]). Based on the blurb, it's now intended to serve as publicity for the author's novels set in the same universe.

The fictional world presented borders on absurdist in its outlook. Here is the description of the President of the United States: "President Bridget O’Connor is a wise leader. She was formally the head of the NSA. The President is aware of Quotient’s operations." (Yes, "formally.") And here's that of the Prime Minister (presumably of the UK): "Prime Minister Jason Stevenson is a skilled martial artist in addition to an ingenious political leader." I could not help but interpret items like these as comedy.

All that said, I'm giving this work two stars, which I will note translates roughly as "has some positives but needs improvement." It is exuberant, yes, and silly -- but I still found myself liking it more than not. Your mileage may vary. I wish the author luck, and we can all hope that the recipient of the marriage proposal said yes.

* This review was last edited on November 12, 2024
Note: this review is based on older version of the game; this rating is not included in the game's average.
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Quotient 2025 UpdateMarch 18, 2025
This release includes a new custom score command to show you how many points you scored for different actions, as well as an out of world command, xyzart which simply displays all of the photographs in the game.

Reported by Simpsong00 | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Quotient, The Game - Holiday Release!December 17, 2024
This update adds a "song" associated with each room. You can see the song by simply typing "song" while in a room, or you can see your custom playlist at anytime by typing "playlist" and it will show you the songs associated with all of the rooms you have visited in the order in which they were visited. There's also a new command "fun" to point you to some fun asides (like the song and playlist features). You'll see the fun command in the updated help. There were other minor conversational updates.

This is just a "fun" feature and you don't need it to play or win the game... the books this game is based on have Spotify playlists with a song for each chapter, and the title is often embedded in the text of the chapter somewhere.

Happy Holidays, feedback always appreciated!
Reported by Simpsong00 | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
The "Really Sort of Final" version is out! November 21, 2024
I seem to enjoy continually enhancing and adding features to this game. I called this version 108.rsf since it is the "really sort of final" version. One of the more visible enhancements is "bold" font for directions, making it easier to pick out your exits from the text. There are several subtle improvements, like adding first-time views of some locations to more accurately represent their reality, and other minor scenery improvements/additions. I also added "inanimate listeners" so you can ask the TARDIS computer questions. I added more dialog to improve the story context provided by the NPCs. Finally, I updated the scoring system to be better in line with what the player is doing. (There is a points command to explain the scoring)

I even provided a full map with spoilers for those interested in those sorts of things!

Enjoy, feedback is always welcome!
Reported by Simpsong00 | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
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