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by Sophia de Augustine profile


1 review2 members have played this game.

About the Story

Devotion is expressed through labours of love, as Joel knows all too well.

Shrouded is a 500 word excerpt from the WIP The Love We Buried

Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Spiritual snippet, June 23, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: neotwinyjam

Shrouded is the last snippet of a larger project, in which you interact with Joel, a religious man, praying by himself in a pristine church. Trying to find peace and solace, you interrupt his prayers, and he returns the favour by sharing his appreciation for the exercise. You get hints of his relationship with the other men of the cloth and his struggles in maintaining his circles separate (between his family and The Family?). Like inside a church, the atmosphere is solemn, both cold and comforting, warm and inviting.

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