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Marco Polo

by Baltasar el arquero profile


(based on 2 ratings)
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About the Story

Marco Polo retorna de su viaje a oriente, siendo portador de una importante misiva del Khan en persona para el Duce de Venecia.


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Marco Polo on IFDB


The following polls include votes for Marco Polo:

Speed IFs that are awesome by trojo
Expectations for Speed-IFs are generally low, but sometimes games written as Speed-IFs are in fact awesome-- not just "awesome for a Speed IF" but truly worthwhile. List some favorites here.

Spanish games by Fredrik
I really need to improve my rotten Spanish, and I can think of no better way to do it than by playing IF. But there are tons of games out there, so what to choose? In other words: Por favor, ˇdame los favoritos tuyos!

Most inappropriate response. by Biep
Sometimes responses simply don't make sense - but sometimes they DO make sense, but inappropriately so, with sometimes humorous results. If possible, please put how to elicit the response in the Quick Quote part of the comment, and the...

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