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The Curse of Unatxi Kamala



(based on 1 rating)
1 review2 members have played this game.

About the Story

Unatxi was thrilled to finally visit Glastonbury, the witchcraft capital of the UK. However, she did not anticipate the fateful encounter that would change her life forever.

This game was developed for the Queer Vampire Jam and Smoochie Jam.

This game is NSFW.

CONTENT WARNING: Explicit sex between trans people, references to transphobia, implied blood loss, and lots of swearing.


  • Desktop: Use the arrow or WASD keys.
  • Mobile: Swipe in the direction, or tap.
  • Gamepad: Use the D-pad.

  • 👾 This game was made in binksi. Binksi was created by smwhr, and it's a fork of candle's bipsi that lets you create games using Inkle Studios' Ink.
  • The game makes uses of several plugins: 🎮 Gamepad support and WebGLazy integration both part of the bipsi hacks by Sean S. LeBlanc
  • 🎼 Music by Blear Moon under the CC BY 4.0 license.
  • 📝 Urkiola font by Eneko Palencia.
  • 👀 Thanks to KentuckyFriedDreams for proofreading. Special thanks to Ellis Dex, FUTURE RUINS and Dr Umbrus for sensibility reading the sex scene. And to BáiYù for reporting a few extra typos.


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Outside, the getaway to starting witchcraft and meeting strangers, March 7, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: smoochiejam

The Curse of Unatxi Kamala is a binksi purely kinetic entry following the eponymous character, a Spanish witch, as she visits Glastonbury, the UK witchcraft capital and has a strange encounter. The game calls itself smut, and the crux of the story does revolve around its main explicit scene.

Sandwiched between the teenager’s recollections of uncomfortable pasts, description of the present visit, and hopeful dreams of the future, is a raw depiction of strangers meeting, flirting, and getting down and dirty in a forest. It really does not shy away from being explicit, showing the yearnings, the physicality, and even the awkward uttered words.

I also liked the retro/vcr-effect interface. It gave it an eerie vibe.

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