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The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man

by Hannes Schueller profile

(based on 10 ratings)
2 reviews11 members have played this game.

About the Story

The story of a lab assistant who managed to turn himself invisible after years of private research. Driven by anger built up over the years of social isolation, he's out to have his revenge on his boss, his colleagues and the world in general.


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 10 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man, October 16, 2009
Related reviews: IF Comp 2009

While its mediocre writing does recall the "mad scientist who will show them all"-style of some semi-classic science fiction, it does so clumsily and without any of the complexities that one could imbue in the brilliant-but-mad protagonist. There are a number of technical problems, arbitrary implementations and "guess the verb" style issues. The game has quite a few puzzles, some of which are clever (though unrealistic in a petty way which is somehow still slightly grating even in a world of one-dimensional revenging lab assistants with invisibility potions). Sadly, it's hard not to fall victim to boredom and simply read the walkthrough as the game doesn't offer enough in atmosphere, humor or interesting implementation to make up for its sometimes frustrating technical side and uninspired artistry.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A game about discovering an invisibility potion, July 21, 2017*
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This game has you find the secret of invisibility.

The base concept is really good; you have to remove clothes and not carry stuff to avoid being caught. You can find bandages, etc.

Unfortunately, the game is a bit too fiddly to work with. It's difficult to know what to do, due to undercluing.

* This review was last edited on August 1, 2017
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The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man on IFDB


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