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Interview with a Rock Star

by Molly G. profile

(based on 3 ratings)
3 reviews2 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

While waiting at the bus stop, you happen to meet one of your rock-and-roll heroes. He lets you ask him a few questions while he waits for his bus. A fairly low-key game.

This was first made for a game design duel on TIGSource. It was later re-released for the IGF Pirate Kart, then released again for Pirate Kart 5.

Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 3 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Nicely written, shallowly implemented, August 13, 2012
by Hanon Ondricek (United States)

Molly knows how to write, but I swear to goodness, I know nothing more about Rocky Stampede than I did at the beginning of the game. Things like the fortune cookie he mentioned and his shoelace that he keeps tying are unimplemented. His deafness, his band, his song, new stuff, his career...he couldn't hear a word of what I asked. Perhaps that's the point.

This is a great effort at a first game, but I'd love if the conversations were a little deeper.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A Short Conversation , December 3, 2013
by streever (America)

The writing is solid, but there isn't a lot here to do or experience.

The game is simple. You can ask Rocky Stampede a few questions, and then he gets on his bus, and the game ends.

It was an interesting quick little game. I liked his responses and the depth of them, but I do wish there was more to do here or experience.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A short diversion, December 3, 2013
by Simon Deimel (Germany)

This is a short game with no apparent deep plot. It describes just a single scene, and there is not much else. There should have been more implementations maybe. I did not find much interesting about the dialogue, but it is my opinion that there is some potential in a situation of this fiction, which could have been developed. All in all it is worth a try anyway.

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Interview With a Rock Star now fully uploaded to the IF ArchiveAugust 7, 2012
After a week in the unprocessed section in the Archive, Interview With a Rock Star (along with Delicious Breakfast) has been moved to a permanent location on the Archive. You can now download it from the Archive, or play it in your browser by clicking the "Play Online" button in the upper right-hand corner. Thank you for your patience.
Reported by Molly (updated on August 7, 2012) | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
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