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Forever Meow

by Moe Zilla

(based on 13 ratings)
3 reviews15 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

You're a warm cat who's about to have a very bad day...


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 13 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Nicely written, but stressful, June 7, 2017
by Zal (Chicago, IL)

If you do not like depictions of cats in distress, you may have trouble with this game.

Look, I know that sounds silly, but I played this game because I like cats. It is well-written, and the fact that it got me into an unpleasant emotional state is a testament to the vividness of the writing; it's simple, but very effective. What can I say? I'm sensitive.

I got what I believe to be the good ending and I'm too much of a pussy (lol) to go back and see if there are any others.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A short, simple heartwarming choice game about a cat, November 20, 2015*
Related reviews: IF Comp 2015

Forever Meow is an IFComp 2015 game. It has an interesting mechanism where you advance the game by clicking a key on the computer or clicking a link, and go back by clicking a permanent button.

The story has plot twists, but the way it starts out is that you're just a cat doing cat things. Throughout the game, you can bat stuff around, meow, hiss, jump on furniture.

This game was a bit simpler than a lot of the other IFComp games, but it made me feel good. I've seen a few people rate it as one of their favorites in the comp, and I can see why.

Recommended for people who like cats (so, quite a few people).

* This review was last edited on February 3, 2016
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neat cat simulator, June 12, 2017

There are a few tone-(and setting?)-changing plot twists in the game, and the feline protagonist's apparent knowledge of the human world/its surroundings was sometimes jarringly inconsistent from passage to passage.

However, the game's main idea was its strong suit: being a cat and doing cat things. It was a charming experience to see the setting through the eyes of a cat and it was very neat to be forced to figure out what's going on through the simple observations of a animal.

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Cat simulators by verityvirtue
Games in which the PC is a cat, or which revolve closely around a particular cat. Generally pleasant games. I have thought about whether I should include Taghairm, but... well.


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