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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Silly D&D Spinoff, May 21, 2010
by tggdan3 (Michigan)

This game was really fun- kind of in the vein of Janitor in spirit, but not in method of play.

You are a commoner in a Dungeons and Dragons parodied universe. You have to clean up Mordenkains Magnificant Mansion (or at least a parody of it), with your Bag of Devouring (I mean- sack of gobbling).

It's cute- all the D&D references, and a couple of simpson refrences (such as embiggen and debigulating).

It's a speed IF, and as such has some parser issues, which is to be expected. I was most upset by what appears to be a time limit- you can bump into the wizard, who then judges your progress, scores you, and ends the game. Dodging the wizard can get you a few more turns. Personally, I would rather you tell the wizard when you're done cleaning, but that might be part of the game.

It was a good parody game, fairly clever, especially given the short coding time. Worth a playthrough if you're a D&D geek like me. If not, you might not get that much out of this game.

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