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Beyond Zork

by Brian Moriarty

Episode 4 of Zork
Fantasy , Zorkian , RPG
External Links

About the Story

Dread times have befallen the Kingdom of Quendor. The wizards have mysteriously disappeared. The Enchanter's Guild Hall lies in ruins. Villages are abandoned, drunken men mutter strange tales, and vicious monsters haunt the streets and wastelands. Now it falls to you, a lowly peasant, to unravel the meaning behind these ominous events. Will you accept the challenge?

Of course you will. For you're a hardy adventurer, ready to confront the most fearsome foe. And in Beyond Zork, you have an arsenal of new weapons and abilities at your disposal.

You start by designing your own character. Choose from such diverse attributes as strength, endurance, compassion, and luck, or let the computer select for you. As you venture onward, your character will evolve, reflecting your success in your quest.

Beyond Zork's sophisticated new interface makes interaction more natural than ever. In the heat of battle, the special function keys let you strike the decisive blow with a single keystroke. There's even an on-screen map to chart your progress!

As you grow in experience and abilities, you realize that you're being prepared for a great task, a task of which you know nothing... as yet. Your search for the answer will lead you deep underground, where unspeakable monsters guard the world's most fabulous treasure - the fabled Coconut of Quendor.

Beyond Zork was written by Brian Moriarty, award-winning author of Wishbringer and Trinity. Fans of Infocom's fantasy series will recognise characters and locations from previous stories, while old and new players alike will enjoy exploring the Zorkian landscape as their challenge increases and their character grows in strength and power.

Page Update History

v.15: 09-Dec-2023 11:40 - Dan Fabulich (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.14: 13-Aug-2024 21:16 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
  v.13: 09-Dec-2023 11:40 - Petter Sjölund
Changed IFIDs
v.12: 09-May-2022 02:48 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
v.11: 23-Aug-2020 02:13 - Zape
Changed download links
v.10: 23-Aug-2020 00:19 - Zape
Changed cross-references
v.9: 21-Apr-2019 05:08 - Tristano
Changed download links
v.8: 07-Apr-2013 09:59 - Edward Lacey
Changed genre, external review links
v.7: 29-Jan-2013 15:40 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.6: 29-Jan-2013 15:39 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.5: 11-Dec-2010 15:33 - Michael Roberts
v.4: 15-Nov-2008 14:03 -
Changed forgiveness
v.3: 15-Nov-2008 13:36 -
Changed series name, episode number, genre, external review links
v.2: 25-Oct-2008 08:12 - Markus Peter
Changed IFIDs
v.1: 19-Feb-2008 19:32 - Emily Short
Created page

4 Off-Site Reviews

Adventure Classic Gaming

Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor is a game that works very hard to bridge the gaps between the Zork and Enchanter trilogies. Rightly regarded as among the most distinctive games from Infocom, Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor's innovations are many, and its successes plentiful. Though it does not achieve complete success as the adventure/role-playing hybrid it aspires to be, it is nonetheless a game not to be missed by devoted Infocom fans.
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Double review
Beyond Zork is a game with a great amount of play and replay value. Many of the puzzles have multiple solutions, and will keep players coming back to find more even after they have played the game to a conclusion.
On the whole, Beyond Zork is well worth the playing; truly difficult puzzles are few, the game atmosphere is effective, and the ending--even if it points to a sequel that never happened--is thoroughly rewarding. Even if RPGs aren't your style, there is plenty more in Beyond Zork than hack-and-slash; it deserves consideration among Infocom's best.
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Although the extra features mean that the text is not as verbose as usual, it still scores over a lot of other adventures with its descriptions. There are some really sneaky puzzles in the game and the plot is very convoluted. The author, Brian Moriarty, also wrote Wishbringer and Trinity and in Beyond Zork, he has excelled himself. There are even guest appearances from some characters and objects from his other adventures.
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction
For our entire playthrough, we found ourselves frequently guessing blindly at how our stats were affecting gameplay. For example, would this game’s extremely annoying inventory limits have been relieved had we had more strength or dexterity? Because if so, boy oh boy would I have maxed those stats. I ran into more infuriating inventory limit nonsense in this game than in any other Infocom game before or since...
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