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Adrift 4 game - do not play with Adrift 5 interpreters
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Requires an ADRIFT version 4 interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
All the Ectocomp 2008 games
Contains salutations.taf
Requires an ADRIFT version 4 interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links. (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)

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About the Story

You've always fancied yourself an outdoorsman and are quick to tell anyone who asks that your hobby is hiking. Now, you've spotted a dessicated deer's corpse and something dropped from the trees to attack you... and you ran, but straight into a giant spider's web.

You are wearing your jacket and carrying nothing.

Game Details

Page Update History

  v.4: 15-May-2024 20:23 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed description, download links
v.3: 28-Mar-2023 19:39 - Denk
Changed download links
v.2: 14-Aug-2011 20:45 - DB
Changed description, author
v.1: 13-Nov-2008 12:26 - David Welbourn
Created page