
Member since July 13, 2013
Last visited April 7, 2016
Profile ID (TUID): mzlsrv5sj7lq4uh9

Now Lynnea Glasser, formerly released games as Lynnea Dally.

Interactive Fiction by Lynneaglasser

Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser (2013)
(115 ratings)
Stolen away by apathetic Blind Ones, your only desire is to return to your Cellarium and the Song of the Universe. They should understand. You shall make them to understand.

Creatures Such As We, by Lynnea Glasser (2014)
(97 ratings)
A dating sim about how humanity connects through art, even out in the vastness of space.

Divis Mortis, by Lynnea Glasser (as Lynnea Dally) (2010)
(43 ratings)
The infection has spread. They are coming.

ChoiceScript Interactive Tutorial, by Lynnea Glasser (2016)
(4 ratings)
ChoiceScript is a game-writing tool that creates choice and variable-based games, but like any game-writing tool, it can be intimidating for new authors, and perhaps have some nuance that even old...

The Sea Eternal, by Lynnea Glasser (2016)
(9 ratings)
In the enchanted underwater City of Glass, what will you sacrifice for immortality? Love, memories, freedom? Will you take freedom from others to win your heart's desire? Dive into a world of...

See all 8 games by Lynneaglasser

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