ninjapitkaMember since December 24, 2020 Last visited October 2, 2021 Profile ID (TUID): f4cen1ohggt71umh
Another filthy ChooseYourStory member.
Interactive Fiction by ninjapitka
Twin Arrows, by ninjapitka (2019)
(4 ratings)
1852 - The Territory of New Mexico The hunt has taken me to to the outer edges of civilization. Out here, lawlessness abides. There are no godly folk. Only heathen. The inner demon in me can relate...
Sheol's Passage and the Fallen, by ninjapitka (2020)
(4 ratings)
Thoughts appearing as fragments. A mind shattered. Broken. Weak. One of us. They feared him. He knew they feared him. Many months had the Fallen been at it. Someone had to enforce the law. The city...
The Sanguine and Blackbeard's Cutlass, by ninjapitka (2019)
(6 ratings)
Taking place during the Golden Age of Piracy, assume command of The Sanguine as you plunder and search for treasure in the profitable Caribbean. In this swashbuckling fantasy, you embark on a...
Unbroken, by ninjapitka (2020)
(8 ratings)
There is no escaping our nature. It simply exists. The voice within me, the one that causes me to commit terrible deeds, burns a low ember. Still, it remains, always present, always looking for...
The Book and Devil's Altar, by ninjapitka (2021)
(7 ratings)
A new day. The chance to move on. Weigh the options, then commit. Whether you choose right or wrong, the journey begins by taking a step forward. The Hunter, a man marked by tragedy, plagued by the...
See all 9 games by ninjapitka
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Reviews by ninjapitka
Eternal, by Endmaster
December 25, 2020 "Where to start? Eternal is by far my favorite Interactive Fiction piece from any site or publication. EndMaster certainly has his own..." - See the full review