
Member since April 14, 2018
Last visited February 20, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): 6nmsanoxm3rptpdz

Interactive Fiction by bitterkarella

The Legend of Horse Girl, by Bitter Karella (2022)
(11 ratings)
Welcome to Santa Diablo, Texas, a tiny desert town held in the grip of fear by a corrupt judge and his gang of outlaws. No one dares to stand against these rustlers. No one, that is, until the...

Basilica de Sangre, by Bitter Karella (2018)
(10 ratings)
What's a demon to do? Your mother has been missing for weeks. Rumor has it that she's being held prisoner in the infamous convent Basilica de Sangre. They say no demon has ever escaped from...

Poppet, by Bitter Karella (2019)
(11 ratings)
A ragdoll awakes in an empty house. You're not sure how long you've been asleep. You're not sure where you are. And, worst of all, you're not sure what happened to the girl who once treasured you...

Night House, by Bitter Karella (2016)
(17 ratings)
It looks different in the dark. You're eight years old. You wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but you soon realize that not everything is as it seems in the house tonight....

Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets, by Bitter Karella (2017)
(6 ratings)
Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets is a humorously grotesque (or grotesquely humorous) game about a circa 1929 street urchin and her pet sewer rat trying to survive a trip through a dark carnival...

See all 13 games by bitterkarella

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Reviews by bitterkarella

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