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by Zach Valence


(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

You're in a closet.

Terrence's closet.




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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Leave the closet. Really, don't stay for his sake. It's not worth your sanity., May 29, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

Terrence is an experience. There is no better way of simply describing it. It is a painful flow of second-hand embarrassment that ends only after 47min.

To get more technical, Terrence is an almost text-less visual novel, a mostly ad-libbed monologue, where you stand in the closet with the titular character, with only a single Leave button. You can stay in the closet, listen to Terrence ramble on about many subjects, or leave him behind with his thoughts (a probably better option, for your sake).

If you choose to have the full 47 min experience, you will learn a lot more about Terrence than you would ever want to. His disturbing past, his not-so-great relationships, his hobbies, his many thoughts, his favourite meals, his questionable life-models, his poneysona (I will shame him), and… let’s not forget the least worst of all: his poetry (not ad-libbed, but read aloud). You will also have to sit through long Uhhhhhhhhh and awkward silences.

Terrence is a bit of a creep, probably a bit of an incel, potentially a murderer(?), and definitely not mentally well or sound of mind. It would be kind of guy who would start up a conversation and would absolutely not let you leave, forcing you to answer his invasive questions when you are getting close to escape, and absolutely would make a scene if his ego is bruised. In short, he is the worst and his voice is grating as hell, and I never want to hear it again.

Though I call it a monologue, Terrence tries to have some sort of conversation with you, asking you questions about yourself. It is just the game does not give you the option to answer them (for good reason, alluded at the end: (Spoiler - click to show)you are a figment of his imagination and he takes meds to make you disappear).

I sat through this 47-min one-take (yes, really) monologue just to write this review. It was 47min I will not get back. But you can save yourself the troubles and not click play… though you will miss on the pretty great voice acting that did a great job making me hate a character as soon as he opened his mouth.

Someone should transcribe the monologue and add it as subtitles, so everyone can enjoy(?) Terrence in most of its glory without hearing him talk.

So yea… an experience, for sure.

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