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by BenyDanette

(based on 3 ratings)
3 reviews5 members have played this game.

About the Story

Votre mission aujourd'hui est de determiner la dangerosite d'un groupe radical qui se fait appeler "les immobilistes".


13th Place overall; 3rd Place, Prix d’Excellence en Design Narratif - French Comp 2024

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 3 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A databse search game with revolutionary poets, March 29, 2024
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game took me a while to figure out. There's a text box to enter stuff, but hitting enter just goes to a new line.

Eventually I realized it was a search feature with a bit of a delay; you type in a word and it brings up all elements in its database that match that word. I think the game Her Story might be similar (?)

The stuff that comes up includes text message conversations, journal notes, images, schematics, interviews, etc.

It was written in four hours, but there's some impressive stuff here. The idea is that two women who live together have been arrested after police suspected them of dangerous revolutionary activity, and you have to determine on a scale of 0-2 how dangerous they are.

Pretty neat stuff! I wish I learned just a bit more about them and what was going on, since the worldbuilding was so fun.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Une enquête documentaire, March 19, 2024

Dans cette petite fiction interactive nous incarnons un agent chargé d'examiner un ensemble de documents pour juger de la dangerosité des "immobilistes". Le résultat de l'examen servira à définir la ligne directrice dans le procès à leur encontre.
Un nombre correct de document accessibles via une recherche par mot clef est à notre disposition, parmi lesquels des fiches de renseignements, des extraits de conversation, des photos et même une chanson.

Une histoire intéressante qui gagnerait à être enrichie avec d'autres documents à consulter et/ou par une partie post verdict plus longue avec plus de conséquences.

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Micro Investigation, March 10, 2024*
Related reviews: Concours FI, French

Immobilistes is a micro interactive piece made in Decker, where you are tasked to determine the danger/risk level of a radical group called "les immobilistes". You are given instructions and a database of elements to analyse and render judgement (not dangerous, maybe a bit, suuuuper dangerous). That is... if you find how to access the database: (Spoiler - click to show)in the textbox, press the letters very slowly, there's a delay between you entering a letter and the game reacting.

The documents are fantastic to go through. Between pictures, exchanges between the characters, transcriptions of journals, formal interview... everything creates a strange and almost conspirational web around the two instigators. The political and judicial climate of the game feels extremely real and topical. It is both chilling and strangely hopeful, in some way? Having to make the decision at the end is hard, no matter how you read the file...
ha, 42

Though short, the game is very intriguing, whether it is the lore or the setting, or even the reasons for you to investigate the group, forcing you to fill in the blanks at times. It is becoming a trend with game from the author (which I really like, all the unsaid and mystery).
I would be *very* interested to play an extremely long version of this game where you also to the investigating... or having to deal with the consequences of your judgement.
And please, let us (Spoiler - click to show)search that database at least!

Decker is a very fun system but also finicky...

* This review was last edited on March 11, 2024
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