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The Dragon of Silverton Mine

by Vukasin Davic

Fantasy, Adventure

(based on 1 rating)
1 review4 members have played this game.

About the Story

You are a novice mage drafted into service by the nearby mine. There was an fire and a cave-in, and the crew will take time to clear the entrance. Armed with just your wits and training spells, you are teleported inside. Help the survivors, figure out what happened, and deal with it.


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review Compact twine adventure about rescuing miners in a fantasy world, September 18, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This is a Twine game with inventory and world model that has a pretty compact map set in a mine. The idea is that you are a mage who teleports into a collapsed mine with the goal of evacuating everyone inside.

It's a classic low-level dungeon crawl, with spells, treasure, obstacles, commerce, and even the eponymous 'dragon'. All of these ingredients are added in small amounts; most of the game only uses one spell, for instance.

The game doesn't last too long. Much of the plot is about 'just in time' happenings; no matter what thing you need, you just happen to counter exactly that thing.

The game has charming and funny moments, and the text is descriptive. I think I would have liked to have an extra space between paragraphs to more easily distinguish them.

The inventory system was simple to use. I made some mistakes early on, but once I understood how it worked it was great.

It's odd; when I started this review I had in my mind that the game was lacking in some significant way, but I can't really point out anything. It has custom CSS, it had good pacing and interface, it had dangerous and safe moments, it has some Chekhov's guns that go off in satisfying ways. So I'd say it's a pretty good game!

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: C3747DD8-EBC1-44D3-A75E-382103E9B2EB
TUID: 4lmlwgy7ey2brhqz

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