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The Ambassador's Daughter

by Stormchild profile

Inform 7

(based on 6 ratings)
2 reviews6 members have played this game. It's on 13 wishlists.

About the Story

You really want to ask her for a dance, but alas she is from the opposing delegation. If only you could get her alone and pluck up the courage to speak to her.

Very short game with compact map.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 6 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Slightly rough around the edges but not without charm, May 17, 2015

This is a vignette-sized piece about trying to get the attention of someone who interests you, at a diplomatic ball, through a short series of light puzzles.

I initially struggled a little bit with what I was supposed to be doing and had to glance at the source -- the main interaction mode could be better hinted in-game -- but once I'd worked that out, I was able to get through without further spoilers. The main things to bear in mind are that you should TALK TO and LISTEN TO other people: this will give you hints about what they're likely to want, and allow you to make some progress in the story. Also, one critical action is coded in terms of the general task you're trying to accomplish, rather than the components of that task. (Spoiler - click to show)If you find yourself struggling with the tea leaves and cauldron of water, don't bother -- just MAKE TEA.

I also did run into a few typos and mis-punctuations.

That said, there's actually a little more world-building than one might expect from so brief a piece, and I found myself smiling several times at character behavior and descriptions. Also, because all of the puzzles involve doing things that will provoke a reaction from other characters, they gave me a certain satisfaction even though they weren't exactly difficult.

If you enjoyed Plundered Hearts, August, or the games in SwashComp, you may find this a fun few minutes' play.

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Excellent, Short Romance, March 22, 2016

Pretty easy to follow, simple, and fun.

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