VMC10_073I.zip* Contains VMC10.exe Type CLOAD & hit ENTER. Select PTREAS.C10 in the JimG subdirectory of the Cassette directory. Type RUN... Windows Application (Windows XP and later)
*The file is compressed with ZIP.
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Inspired by Adventure, Quest is a simple exploratory game originally written for the Commodore PET 2001 in early 1978. The goal is to search the cave for the pirate's treasure and escape with it. There are no items; the only commands are directional -- N, S, E, W, U, and D.
Language: English (en) First Publication Date: May 1, 1978 Current Version: 3.0
License: Freeware Development System: BASIC Baf's Guide ID:
280 IFID: Unknown TUID: