External Links

C64 executable (Version 1)
Linked from http://www.​lysator.​liu.​se/​tolkien-games/​entry/​mario.​html
Defaults - All Systems Application
C64 executable (Version 2)
Linked from http://www.​lysator.​liu.​se/​tolkien-games/​entry/​mario.​html
Defaults - All Systems Application

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by Harald Bornfleth and Herbert Grosser

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About the Story

Loosely based on the passage through Moria (all proper nouns have been garbled, possibly for trademark reasons) in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. It was developed for the C64 and published in the German magazine 64'er Sonderheft. There was a second version with the same magazine in 1990.


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Tolkien's Middle-earth games by Fredrik
Games that are explicitly set in the fantasy world Middle-earth, created by J.R.R. Tolkien.


The following polls include votes for Mario:

Worst IF Titles by diddlescatter
(Sorry, Fredrik, but your poll was such a great idea that I couldn't resist!) So here's the question: Which titles out there do you absolutely hate? Remember, it doesn't have to be a game you've actually played. In fact, maybe it's a...

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