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Caverns of Chaos

by Paul Martinez and Alison Castro

(based on 2 ratings)
1 review2 members have played this game.

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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Bad, but not horrible, September 17, 2015
by mjhayes (Somewhere east of Garinham)

Those of us who were taking intro Computer programming classes in college probably clunked out something like this, or at least daydreamed about it. Admit it. My first attempt at an RPG had an interface not much better than this.

Having to enter whole words to navigate might be cumbersome, but at least the game is slightly enjoyable once you get used to it. This is one of those games that should be MiSTed.

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1 Off-Site Review

Baf's Guide

"This is the first time I've written anything in Basic..." proclaim the docs. No kidding. This tiny game doesn't even have a parser - it's just glorified hypertext without the comfort of a good hypertext reader. Your goal is to rescue the king and queen, who have been kidnapped by a troll. Death comes early, often and without warning. Since there's no "save game" feature, this is quite a problem.

-- Carl Muckenhoupt


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Recommended Lists

Caverns of Chaos appears in the following Recommended Lists:

Multiple Choice by mjhayes
IF pieces that use a "multiple choice" interface rather than a full parser. Might be as interactive as a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but can be thought-provoking all the same.


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Whether it was the witty dialogue, the charming atmosphere, or the cleverness of the puzzle - you played "this" game and it inspired you to write your own. Selfishly, I'm looking for my own inspiration, but I am also very, very curious...

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