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The Pyramid of Muna

by Alfred W. King II

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1 Off-Site Review

Some game settings have immediate appeal, and for me anything to do with Pyramids is off to a good start. I also have a deep interest in all things Mexican, and as the story line revolves around your discovery of a long lost pre-Mayan pyramid in the Yucatan region of Mexico, I was quite happy to overlook the rather heavy handed hints which started very early in the game. If I can give a few examples. The game opens in your hotel room, and part of the description tells you that when you leave you must ask the first person you meet about the bus to Muna. Amongst your possessions you have a few coins, examining these tells you that it should cover a bus fare. When you make your way downstairs to the hotel lobby you find a piece of paper on the desk. Not a 'coming soon from the same author' advert for a change, but a reminder that you should have picked up everything from your room before you left.
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