
Results for author:Ricardo
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Dungeons of Antur

, by Ricardo Oyon Rodriguez (2021)
(7 ratings)

AˇLˇIˇEˇN: La aventura - Edición Especial

by Alpha Aventuras (Ricardo Pérez, Manuel Millán, Francisco J. Roldán, Manuel I. Monge, Antonio Matiola, Francisco Picazo)
(2 ratings)

Scary House Amulet!

, by Ricardo Dague (2002)
(11 ratings)

House of Dream of Moon

by Admiral Jota, Sam Kabo Ashwell, Tom Blawgus, Ricardo Dague, N. B. Horvath, Carl Muckenhoupt, Marius Müller, Jacqueline A. Lott, Mark Musante
(2 ratings)

Retorno a las mazmorras de Antur

by Ricardo Oyon Rodriguez
(1 rating)


by Ricardo Oyon Rodriguez
(1 rating)


, by Ricardo Signes (2003)
(2 ratings)

An Escape To Remember

by Sean Barrett, Tom Blawgus, Roger Carbol, John Cater, Ricardo Dague, Jeremy Douglass, Josh Giesbrecht, N. B. Horvath, Carl Muckenhoupt, Mark Musante, Karl Parakenings, Mordechai Shinefield, Dan Shiovitz, Lucian Smith
(1 rating)


, by Ricardo Dague (2001)
(2 ratings)

Aventura en el Siglo XXIV

, by Ricardo Villalba Martínez and Elvira Villalba Martínez (1997)

Alerta Ovni

, by Ricardo Villalba Martinez (1989)


, by Ricardo Villalba Martinez (1989)

Adso de Melk

, by Ricardo Pérez López (Alpha Aventuras) (2001)

Vampiro (para TADS3)

, by Jaime Alcazo Castellarnau, Ricardo Pérez López (Alpha Aventuras) (2003)


, by Ricardo Dague (1998)
(3 ratings)


, by Ricardo Dague (2001)
(1 rating)

Samurai Tea Room

, by Ricardo Signes (2003)
(2 ratings)

The Tower of Beef

, by Ricardo Signes (2003)
(2 ratings)

The Lone Star Menáçe

, by Ricardo Signes (2003)
(2 ratings)

The Lucubrator

, by Ricardo Dague (2008)
(9 ratings)
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