The Act of Misdirection, by Callico Harrison deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: The curtain lifts to a torrent of applause, as the city's gents and ladies lose their decorum for a just few moments in anticipation of something magical. The spotlights drown the glitter of sequins and... |
Amnesia, by Thomas M. Disch and Kevin Bentley deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: |
Ballyhoo, by Jeff O'Neill deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: Spangleland! Sawdust and glitter, buffoons and cotton candy! It's a place where your wildest dreams come true! At least, that's what you think... until you get behind the scenes at the big top. Then you... |
The Beetmonger's Journal, by Scott Starkey deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: "Victor Lapot and I were miles from base camp on the south continent, once again hacking through previously unsurveyed lands and searching for forgotten cultures. The expedition reminded me of our grand... |
Being Andrew Plotkin, by J. Robinson Wheeler deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: "Zarf? you think to yourself. Could it be? The one and only Zarf? Xyzzy Award winner? IF Competition winner? The mighty Inscruitable One? Gosh. What it must be like to be Zarf... You begin to crawl forward,... |
Best of Three, by Emily Short deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: |
Bureaucracy, by Douglas Adams, The Staff of Infocom deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: IMPORTANT! Our records show that you do not have a license to operate this software. Normally, you would be required to complete a License Application Form and mail it (with proof of purchase) to our... |
Centipede, by J. Robinson Wheeler deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: |
Common Ground, by Stephen Granade deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: |
Distress, by Mike Snyder deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: Lieutenant Huchess came to, an hour or so ago. That was around the time Runoma, blazing orange-hot so near this, its second planet, fell below the distant, jagged crag line. Ensign Covegn died not long after... |
Earth and Sky, by Paul O'Brian deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: It's been almost a month since your parents disappeared. One Tuesday, they just didn't come home, and there's been no sign of them since. For the University and the rest of the town, the mystery is beginning... |
Earth and Sky 2: Another Earth, Another Sky, by Paul O'Brian deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: In this sequel game, you play as Austin Colborn, a young man who wears an earthsuit made by your scientist parents. It gives you great strength and invulnerability. You and your sister Emily, who wears the... |
Eric the Unready, by Bob Bates deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: A tongue-in-cheek graphic text adventure/point and click adventure hybrid. You are a chivalrous knight attempting to save a princess; your quest takes you through a mad-cap Douglas Adams-style world. |
Exhibition, by Ian Finley deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: "The Hartman Gallery extends their invitation to an exhibition of Anatoly Domokov's "American Paintings." Who draws the line between art and life? HTML enhanced." [--blurb from Competition '99] |
Fallacy of Dawn, by Robb Sherwin deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: In a world that never quite got over the '80s, Delarion Yar dispenses quarters for the local arcade... badly. A software pirate from better days, he's crossed the wrong people one too many times. Locked into... |
First Things First, by J. Robinson Wheeler deathbytroggles's rating: Average member rating: You’ve just arrived at home from your nightly visit to the science and invention section of the local public library, where you spend each night dreaming your dreamy dreams of one day inventing a time... |