Muskie's Played Games

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Adventure, by William Crowther and Donald Woods
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (97 ratings)

Alabaster, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, Ziv Wities
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (121 ratings)

The Queen has told you to return with her heart in a box. Snow White has made you promise to make other arrangements. Now that you're alone in the forest, it's hard to know which of the two women to trust....

Balances, by Graham Nelson
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (38 ratings)

"A homage to Infocom's Enchanter Trilogy, at the same time showing some of the things that Inform is capable of doing." [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Beyond Zork, by Brian Moriarty
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (50 ratings)

Dread times have befallen the Kingdom of Quendor. The wizards have mysteriously disappeared. The Enchanter's Guild Hall lies in ruins. Villages are abandoned, drunken men mutter strange tales, and vicious...

Bronze, by Emily Short
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (287 ratings)

When the seventh day comes and it is time for you to return to the castle in the forest, your sisters cling to your sleeves.

City of Secrets, by Emily Short
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (105 ratings)

Curses, by Graham Nelson
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (132 ratings)

"As "Curses" opens, you're hunting about in the attic of your family home, looking for a tatty old map of Paris (you're going on holiday tomorrow) and generally trying to avoid all the packing. Aunt Jemima...

The Empty Room, by Matthew Alger
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (14 ratings)

You awake, finding yourself upon a hard, cool, plasticky surface. Placing your hands against the smooth floor you hoist yourself up. There's nothing here. Nothing at all. For you have found yourself in what...

Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

In Enchanter, the first of a spellbinding series in the tradition of Zork, you are a novice magician whom Fate has chosen to do singlehanded combat with a dark and fierce power. But worldly weapons will...

Glass, by Emily Short
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (106 ratings)

The Prince sits awkwardly on the couch, holding his glass slipper and trying to keep it from crushing. Lucinda and Theodora have the ends of the same couch, and they are taking turns seeing who can bend...

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (185 ratings)

Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary...

Jigsaw, by Graham Nelson
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

New Year's Eve, 1999, a quarter to midnight and where else to be but Century Park! Fireworks cascade across the sky, your stomach rumbles uneasily, music and lasers howl across the parkland... Not exactly...

Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (495 ratings)

Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing gate. Maybe boss right. Grunk not remember forgetting, but maybe Grunk just forget. -- IFComp 2007 blurb

Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (131 ratings)

You wake to stillness. The hammering, banging, and shouting that kept you awake half the night are gone. The air is cold, and something smells burnt. Your master's experiments must be finished, but with what...

The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet, by Graham Nelson (as Angela M. Horns)
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (51 ratings)

Another day wasted as guest of the Empress, a wretchedly long tour of the breath-taking Boreal Falls, conducted as ever by the Lady Amilia. As if she weren't bad enough, an honour guard of soldiers, their...

Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It, by Jeff O'Neill
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (59 ratings)

You are standing at the edge of a barren field. A steady wind, having secreted away the topsoil, is now drifting sandy dirt across the plain. A scant sign of life here is a freshly-burrowed molehill on the...

Perilous Magic, by David Fillmore
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

"A really short interactive comic tragedy." Humourously based on Infocom's Enchanter trilogy, your goal is to run off a newly completed report in triplicate. But you'll need the appropriate spell scrolls......

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (562 ratings)

"Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."

Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (121 ratings)

"Join the Patrol, and see the Galaxy!" You took the poster's advice, bait and all, and marched right over to the recruitment station near your home on the backwater planet of Gallium. Images of exotic...

The Reliques of Tolti-Aph, by Graham Nelson
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (15 ratings)

"It used to be said that there are two kinds of magic-user: those who have been to Tolti-Aph, and charlatans. It used to be generally understood that the attempt to prove oneself in the unforgiving society...

Seastalker, by Stu Galley, Jim Lawrence
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

There's something down there in the ocean, something terrifying. And you have to face it - because only you can save the Aquadome, the world's first undersea research station. The alarm sounds and your...

Sorcerer, by Steve Meretzky
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (67 ratings)

Sorcerer, the second of a spellbinding fantasy series in the tradition of Zork, takes you on a magical tour through the darker side of Zorkian enchantment. Your journey begins with a cryptic diary - the last...

Spellbreaker, by Dave Lebling
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (58 ratings)

Spellbreaker, the riveting conclusion to the Enchanter trilogy, explores the mysterious underpinnings of the Zorkian universe. A world founded on sorcery suddenly finds its magic failing, and only you,...

Suspended, by Michael Berlyn
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (43 ratings)

They said you would sleep for half a millennium - not an unreasonable length of time, considering you'd be in limited cryogenic suspension. Your body would rest at the planet's nerve center, an underground...

Tetris, by Alexey Pajitnov
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Tetris for the Z-machine, an original "fun" entry for the 1995 IF Competition. Needs an interpreter capable of timed events to work properly. [--blurb for FreeFall from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Wishbringer, by Brian Moriarty
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

It's an ordinary day in your ordinary little town, and you've been performing your ordinary mail clerk's duties in an altogether ordinary way. But there's something quite extraordinary in today's mail. It's...

Zork I, by Marc Blank and Dave Lebling
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (218 ratings)

Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer, you will undoubtedly want to locate these...

Zork II, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (97 ratings)

The Wizard appears, floating nonchalantly in the air beside you. He grins sideways at you. The Wizard incants "Fantasize," but nothing happens. He shakes his wand. Nothing happens. With a slightly...

Zork III, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (77 ratings)

An old, oddly youthful man turns toward you slowly. His long, silver hair dances about him as a fresh breeze blows. "You have reached the final test, my friend! You are proved clever and powerful, but this...

Zork Zero, by Steve Meretzky
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (59 ratings)

The Great Underground Empire is in its heyday. Upscale condos crowd the massive caverns. Subterranean highways stretch from Aragain to the Fublio Valley. And no adventurer has yet set foot in the open field...

Zork: A Troll's-Eye View, by Dylan O'Donnell
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

Have you ever wondered how the life of a guard troll is? Find out in this game! [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, by Marc Blank, Michael Berlyn, and G. Kevin Wilson
Muskie's rating:
Average member rating: (31 ratings)
Grubald the Bold, Matchlick the Mighty, Linklaw the Lucky; all of the great Heroes are busy, laid up, contracted or dead. So it is you who gets to explore a never before seen part of the Great Underground...

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