Zape's Played Games

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rendition, by nespresso
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (38 ratings)

They caught Abdul during an insurgency in the east. He tried to take out a regiment with some home-made explosives strapped to his chest. They didn't explode, so pretty soon the coalition had a real live...

Renegade Brainwave, by J. J. Guest
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

"Beware! Beware! Take care! For you are about take part in an interactive story that will reveal the terrifying truth behind the mysterious Soviet space programme! Revelations of incredible horrors that will...

Repeat the Ending, by Drew Cook
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

Explore an all-new "critical edition" of a 1996 Inform 5 game about mental illness, magic, and the second law of thermodynamics. When D, a psychiatrically disabled chaos wizard, learns that an estranged...

Return to the Stars, by Adrian Welcker
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

After having been taken captive in battle, you soon settled into a routine: sleep, eat, shower, reconsider your life choices, repeat. Until, one day, there is no more food. Or guards, for that matter. It...

Revenge of the Chalupa, by Dan Schmidt
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

In this small game, you play as a bad-guy-stopper. You have come to this snowy baseball field to stop some bad guys from passing on some secret plans.
Revenge of the Killer Surf Nazi Robot Babes from Hell, by David Dyte
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
Out of the TextFire "12-pack", this is an April's Fool game "demo" that lets you play a cool surf dude who has to save the world from the Killer Surf Nazi Robot Babes from Hell! [--blurb from The Z-Files...
Revenge of the Nockle : A Speed IF, by Josh Giesbrecht
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)
Reverzi, by John Menichelli
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
A Review of Interactive Fiction, by Daniel Gunnell (as FrobozCo International)
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
FrobozCo international and the Froboz Magic Review company have come together to bring you a review of interactive fiction. The review will explain about interactive fiction in general, occasionally delving...

Ribald Bat Lady Plunder Quest, by Joey Acrimonious
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Wherein a bat-themed monster lady goes on a felonious adventure to obtain a special birthday present for her beloved. ...

The Right Tool, by Christopher Huang
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

You play as a gravedigger. You and your fellow gravediggers have buried the ancient tool, but unfortunately, the tomb's tablet is blank and after all the construction delays, everyone's forgotten what the...
Rise of a Hero, by Romulus
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
The people of Azrya live in fear. An evil group of wizards, that call themselves The Black Veil, hold the country in an iron grip. Their leader: Sarces, singlehandedly killed the previous king and...
Rising Flames, by FeanorOnForge
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
You are a young man who has been working hard jobs for years in the middle of no-where to keep yourself fed and save up enough to move back to the city where you were born. You face many mundane seeming...

Risorgimento Represso, by Michael J. Coyne
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (48 ratings)

You play as an Oxbridge student who, during a particularly boring lecture, falls through a green portal under their desk into the cluttered library of the wizard Ninario. Ninny was trying to summon a...

Ritus Sacri, by quackoquack
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

On the desk in front of you: a Latin dictionary, a blank sheet of lined paper, and the photocopied passage you need to translate for class tomorrow. You always leave things too late.

Rivkin, by Anonymous
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

The Road to Destruction (featuring Bob Hope), by Jake Wildstrom
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
Roads of Liches, by Andrew Schultz
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)
EctoComp 2023 Grand Guignol entry

Robbery Reverie, by Natasha Luna
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

As a new thief, you might be wet behind the ears, but you're not going to let that stop you from carrying out daring heists! ...

Robin & Orchid, by Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (64 ratings)

High school journalists spend the night in a church, investigating reports of a ghost.

Robopuppy Redux, by J.D. Clemens
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Robot Finds Kitten, by David Griffith, Leonard Richardson
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (15 ratings)
In this game, you are Robot ( # ). Your job is to find Kitten. This task is complicated by the existance of various things which are not Kitten. Robot must touch items to determine if they are Kitten or not....
Robots - Another abuse of the Z-machine, by Torbjörn Andersson
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
A Z-machine version of the old "Daleks" game (also known as "Zombies"). Lack of hints make this game a very hard one to play. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
A Rock and a Hard Place, by J. Robinson Wheeler
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
You play as someone who can barely see or move. There's a hard stone slab in front of you and a granite boulder pins your legs behind you. You're literally stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots, by Benjamin Mullins
Zape's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

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