The Elysium Enigma, by Eric Eve Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (78 ratings) It was meant to be a routine visit on behalf of the imperial government, just to remind the settlers that the Empire hadn't forgotten them, and if you stick rigidly to the letter of your orders and refuse to... |
Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (113 ratings) In Enchanter, the first of a spellbinding series in the tradition of Zork, you are a novice magician whom Fate has chosen to do singlehanded combat with a dark and fierce power. But worldly weapons will... |
Entre Terre et Ciel, by Nathanaël Marion Average member rating: (1 rating) |
Escape Room : La pièce vide, by FibreTigre Average member rating: (1 rating) Clac ! La porte blindée se referme derrière vous. Aïe. J’ai bien peur que vous soyez pris au piège. |
Filaments, by FibreTigre Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (6 ratings) Allez Margot, va falloir se lever. Je crois que ce coup-ci tu vas pas y couper : mmm y a de la lumière, du bruit en bas, je crois bien que c’est parti pour l’avant dernier jour d’école de l’année.... |
Fish!, by John Molloy, Pete Kemp, Phil South, Rob Steggles Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (18 ratings) One nibble and you're hooked. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GET OUT OF THE WATER: The tide is turning in the teeming metropolis of Fishworld. The oceans and seas are boiling off into space. The Seven... |
The Guild of Thieves, by Rob Steggles Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (26 ratings) Steal yourself a world of fantasy WHY BUY THIS GAME WHEN YOU CAN STEAL IT ? Except you can't. Not yet. An amateur like you? Come off it! Now, if you were a fully paid-up member of the notorious Guild of... |
Homeland Security, by Hugo Labrande |
Jinxter, by Georgina Sinclair, Michael Bywater Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (14 ratings) Every silver lining has a cloud... JUST WHEN A MAN THINKS HIS LUCK IS RUNNING OUT... ... things start getting even worse. He gets run over by a bus. Sprayed with cheese sandwich by a supernatural being.... |
Journey, by Marc Blank Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (25 ratings) Have you mettle enough to make siege on the Dread Lord himself? ...We shall see. If you've ever been spellbound by a fantasy story, captivated by a role playing game, or enthralled by interactive fiction,... |
Knight Orc, by Pete Austin Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (20 ratings) Knight Orc casts you as an oppressed orc in a magical world where all is not as it first seems. For generations humans have been persecuting orcs, and now it's time to get your own back. A fantasy adventure... |
L'île du Phare Abandonné, by Benjamin Roux Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (3 ratings) An entry in the 2007 French IF Comp. Les images et les souvenirs se bousculent dans votre tête. Les dernières vingt-quatre heures se sont déroulées à toute allure. Difficile d’imaginer qu’hier soir... |
L'Observatoire, by Stéphane F. Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (4 ratings) Azthath, premier automne après la guerre. Vous avez reçu la lettre il y a deux jours de cela. Hartmann... « ... découverte sensationnelle... pas pu te prévenir plus tôt... pas un mot aux journaux...... |
La chambre de Syrion, by Benjamin Roux Average member rating: (3 ratings) Que ne ferait-on pas par défi. Eh oui, pour épater la galerie, vous êtes prêt à tout. Même à cela. Vous venez d’intégrer la prestigieuse École de magie des Elfes. Comme épreuve d’intégration,... |
La Cité des Eaux, by Adrien Saurat Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (6 ratings) Quand donc finira cette société abâtardie par toutes les débauches, débauches d’esprit, de corps et d’âme ? … Le battement d’un volet maltraité par le vent du sud vient de vous réveiller.... |
La Grande Prédiction ou l'Astrologue étourdi, by Nathanaël Marion Average member rating: (2 ratings) |
La Mort Pour Seul Destin, by FibreTigre Eriorg's rating: Average member rating: (2 ratings) Vous êtes si fatigué… Avec violence, on vous jette à terre. Vous perdez connaissance quelques instants, et vous devinez que l’on vous retire brutalement vos chaînes. « Debout, vaurien ! » |