News for Big Nose on the Big Pyramid

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Big Nose quick release 2
April 5, 2022 7:29 AM
I had a big oversight on release 1, and I wanted to sneak this in before the Spring Thing entries were posted, because -- well, the authors there put more serious work into their submissions. Also, this is a re-release that maybe shouldn't have happened.

Apparently I skipped a few levels when building the final release, because I wanted to test final levels and forgot to reset the initial level variable.

The new build has an improved walkthrough, more fake linear-movement commands that get rejected, and an ABOUT segment.

Thanks to Wade Clarke and DrkStarr for their kind support in alerting me to some pretty major issues.

If you've already beaten Big Nose, you will just get to see some easier levels. But if you haven't, you can now ramp up.

I also made the source code publicly available on It was formerly private on bitbucket.

Coding for the pyramid was actually done using a 7x7 array, and Q*Bert's location was tracked using variables that tracked SW and SE offset from the top. If they are more than 6, or either goes below 0, he falls off. It seems odd, but it is just the first quadrant of the X-Y plane rotated 135 degrees clockwise.
Reported by Andrew Schultz | History | Edit | Delete

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