IFictionFR - Club Wish List

The Club Wish List is a combination of the wishlists of all of the members of the club.

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L'exil, by Benjamin Roux
On 1 member wishlist

L'île Tristam, by Hugo Labrande
On 1 member wishlist

La chambre de Syrion, by Benjamin Roux
On 1 member wishlist

La femme qui ne supportait pas les ordinateurs, by Chine Lanzmann and Jean-Louis Le Breton
On 2 member wishlists

La Sentencia, by José Luis Díaz
On 1 member wishlist

La Tempête, by Stéphane F.
On 1 member wishlist

La Tour d'Orastre, by Corax
On 1 member wishlist

La vallée mystérieuse, by Eric Forgeot
On 1 member wishlist

Labour's Letters Lost, by Christopher Huang
On 1 member wishlist

Lancelot, by Christina Erskin, Joan Lamb, Neil Scrimgeour, Dicken Peeke, Nusarath Jahan, Mike Austin, Nick Austin, John Jones-Steele, and Mike Bryant
On 1 member wishlist

The Land of Breakfast and Lunch, by Daniel Talsky
On 1 member wishlist

Largo Winch, by Loïc B.
On 1 member wishlist

Las Aventuras de Rudolphine Rur, by Daniel Carbonell Cob (Dwalin)
On 1 member wishlist

LASH -- Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup, by Paul O'Brian
On 3 member wishlists

The Last Inca, by Axxiom
On 1 member wishlist

Last Minute Gift, by A. Bomire
On 1 member wishlist

Lawn of Love, by Santoonie Corporation
On 1 member wishlist

Le Cercle des Gros Geeks disparus, by Adrien Saurat
On 1 member wishlist

Le kébab hanté, by Hugo Labrande, Yue
On 1 member wishlist

Le Pantin Electrique : Prologue, by Christophe Géradon
On 1 member wishlist

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