Ratings and Reviews by E.K.

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The Whisperers, by Milo van Mesdag
E.K.'s Rating:

GameCeption, by Ruo
E.K.'s Rating:

Bright Brave Knight Knave, by Andrew Schultz
E.K.'s Rating:

Beat Witch, by Robert Patten
E.K.'s Rating:

The Whale's Keeper, by Ben Parzybok
E.K.'s Rating:

One Does Not Simply Fry, by Stewart C Baker and James Beamon
E.K.'s Rating:

Detective Osiris, by Adam Burt
E.K.'s Rating:

Paintball Wizard, by Doug Egan
E.K.'s Rating:

Fix Your Mother's Printer, by Geoffrey Golden
E.K.'s Rating:

One King to Loot them All, by Onno Brouwer
E.K.'s Rating:

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