Ratings by hoopla

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Chlorophyll, by Steph Cherrywell
hoopla's Rating:

Breakfast on a Wagon with Your Partner, by bananafishtoday
hoopla's Rating:

Dragon Fate, by Kris Schnee
hoopla's Rating:

Hallowmoor, by Mike Snyder
hoopla's Rating:

Heretic Dreams, by Harris Powell-Smith
hoopla's Rating:

The Intercept, by Jon Ingold and inkle
hoopla's Rating:

Sequitur, by Nigel Jayne (as Tin Foil Jenny)
hoopla's Rating:

Three-Card Trick, by Chandler Groover
hoopla's Rating:

HUNTING UNICORN, by Chandler Groover
hoopla's Rating:

Toby's Nose, by Chandler Groover
hoopla's Rating:

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