Half-humorous, half-sad, half-fiction, half-autobiography, half-silly, half-serious, half-trivial, half-profound; hard to categorize, hard to point what exactly makes this little game so good. Sincerity, perhaps.
A must-play for those interested in LGBT themes in IF (and especially for teens considering coming out to their parents), Coming Out Simulator 2014 also touches a lot of other topics: art as a mode of communication, truth and lies... The author's approach to interactivity is quite clever; the characters do remember everything you say, and the game cunningly traps you in more and more awkward situations.
The Gostak taken to the extreme; still, it isn't terribly hard to get the gist and win in a few minutes. I think the "AAAAAAAAA" in the title stands for "Adventure"; if so, I wish this adventure was longer and had more puzzles.