Reviews by mg51

4 stars

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View this member's reviews by tag: (actually many rooms) (but single room in spirit) 4 stars content warnings exploration five stars four stars historical limited verbs multiple endings replay friendly resource management single room spell casting three stars treasure hunt unfinished
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Arkuwar, by Daniel M. Stelzer
Ancient history itch: scratched, January 21, 2025
by mg51
Related reviews: 4 stars, historical

This was a really fun little dive into a historical place and time that I personally find fascinating: the Bronze Age near-East. Suppiluiliuma is one of my favorite Bronze Age kings (though I'm a little biased--his name and the bizarre appearance of his statues just make him...awesome). I also liked that the game judges you based on how well you appeal to the gods, using the way that ancient societies viewed their relationship to the divine. Overall, it was very well done and true to life. I only give it a 4 rather than a 5 because I wish it went on longer!

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